Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Meeting 4 - God is like....

Last week we went to Randy and Rose's home for meeting number 4. Rob started off the meeting by passing around a box filled with an array of objects - a container of paint, an ice scraper, a dictionary, a lantern, etc. - and telling us to pick one of them. After everyone had an item, he then told us to explain to the group how God is like the item we chose. What a great exercise! It forced us to think about God in new and wonderful ways. I had the paint and shared how colorful, creative and beautiful God is. (I would highly encourage you to use this exercise at your next meeting!)

After this discussion we focused on the fears we have regarding the trip. The members of the team were able to openly share concerns about the length of the flight, shots, being so far away from loved ones, shortness of finances, and more. We then spent the remainder of the meeting taking all of the fears and laying them at the foot of cross. Please join us as we continue to pray for peace.

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