Tuesday, May 18, 2010

more tid bits from Zambia

The 2010/2011 maize crop is on the verge of failing. Maize is used in the staple food of Zambia (see earlier post about food). Zambian officials are currently discussing the possibility of needing to begin importing maize -a crop that has been a sustainable way to help the Zambian people eat. By importing maize, the cost will go up and many, many Zambian families will suffer.
Already, in the past three months, the cost of basic needs for a family of six in Zambia has dramatically increased. A couple of examples include - the price of one tomato has gone up over 50% and the price of gasoline has increased 13.18% with another cost increase coming.

With elections coming in 2011, the political scene in Zambia is definitely heating up. There are several parties and tribes and accusations are flying. There have already been a few riots. We will be monitoring this.

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