Monday, May 17, 2010

the power of a quarter

Yesterday I was reminded just how absolutely wonderful God's GIFT of salvation really is. I am a firm believer that everyone has a story - and yesterday I had the opportunity to talk with an older woman most people tend to shy away from and hear one of her stories. As we sat together drinking coffee between services at church she told me the story of how a quarter and an invitation to Bible study transformed her life.

When she was a young girl she stole a quarter from her mom - (she made sure I knew a quarter was worth a whole lot more back then - especially to her poor family) - and bought some candy. She felt guilty but life went on. Then as a newlywed she and her husband attended church together. One day she asked the pastor how a person could know for sure they were saved and going to heaven and he said, "If you're good you go up and if you're bad you go down." The memory of the quarter incident from so many years before haunted her. She couldn't stop thinking about the quarter - knowing that was proof she was bad.

After a while a woman invited her to Bible study and she heard the truth - salvation is not earned by goodness nor lost by stealing a quarter. Salvation is a GIFT from God. Even as she was talking to me relief swept over her face as she explained that she had been finally able to give up the guilt and shame of stealing her mom's quarter and know for certain God loved her, forgave her and sent Jesus to save her. Shortly after beginning Bible study she, her husband and their children changed churches. She wanted her whole family to hear and know the truth of God's grace, mercy and GIFT.

I, too, and thankful I do not need to carry around the burden of trying to be good enough and never knowing for sure what eternity holds. Next time you have a quarter be sure to thank God for His incredible GIFT. I know I will.

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