Thursday, June 24, 2010


My amazing husband took me across the state to go to the huge Farm Chicks antique show. It was super fun - thousands of people (well, I guess waiting in line for half an hour just to get in wasn't exactly fun - but it was sunny!), tons of great items, long road trip with my best friend and much needed time to breathe. At the show we bought a bread box (to add to my collection), vintage fabric scraps (for me to sew with) and an old toy to display in the living room. But the find of the whole trip came when we stopped at a produce stand/antique mall on the side of the freeway between Ellensburg and Cle Elm - this giant jar of buttons!! Isn't it great? Look at it. No, I mean really look at it. Not only is it totally beautiful and wonderfully useful - it is a jar of stories. Each one of these buttons has a story - Where did it come from? Who owned it? How old is it? What piece of clothing was it on? Was it worn a lot or kept in the back of a drawer? Did it get handed down or have only one owner? Did the button fall off or get ripped off? How did it come to be in the jar? See what I mean? It is a fabulous feast for the imagination!

And we are all buttons - okay, not literally, but we all have stories - different stories. I am so looking forward to being 'in a jar' with the Zambian people - to hear their stories and to tell their stories.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I often look at things and wonder how they came to be...and yet, even though there are billions of people on the planet, God has a plan for each one of us!
