Thursday, June 17, 2010

Meeting 6 - BBQ

Okay, although we did meet together for a BBQ - it really didn't resemble this picture. In fact Randy, chef at a five star restaurant, was in charge of barbecuing the chicken and, I must say, did a fabulous job! Although there was a little, tiny fire... but I digress. We had chicken, salad, chips and gluten free strawberry shortcake - YUM! This meeting was really about fellowshipping and answering questions. We discussed the luggage limit, malaria medication choices, bringing batteries on a plane, AWANA supplies, and so on. Before the next meeting we are hoping to have more information regarding the plan once we hit the ground in Lusaka. But until then we will continue to plug away and prepare the best we can. Your prayers are much appreciated - especially as our departure date draws near.

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