Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well, we did it. We got our immunization shots today - and I must say we all did a stellar job!! We joked, freaked out a bit, made a tiny bit of noise as the needles were pushed deep into our arms (okay, that one was just me), and Jubilee was the only one who really cried - and she didn't even get any shots!! Bless her tender little heart!

We were immunized against Hepatitis A, got a tetanus shot, received typhoid pills to take at home and left with a prescription for malaria medication. The appointment was for all of us at the same time and although the doctor discussed everything only once, we are going to be charged for four consultations. So, in other words, we will be paying him four times for the same twenty minutes. Now, how does that work?? And I must admit, I under estimated the cost of immunizations - they are totally expensive! Not sure how we will cover that right now, but I am not going to complain. I am thankful for medicine and health because I know 200,000 people die every year from typhoid and 2,000 children die every day from malaria.

However, I am a bit scared about taking the typhoid stuff. (The photo above is of an actual typhoid specimen.) Usually I am not bothered by things like this but for some reason this time I am really apprehensive. Please pray for peace, no complications and good health.

And just one more thing about our shots - right after I received mine, my arm got heavy and felt a bit odd. The nurse chuckled and said it was all in my head. However, about twenty minutes later my fingers went numb and tingly - and then my forearm. And now, over six hours later they are still numb and tingly and feeling icky. Is that normal? Or???

photo courtesy google image search

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