Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Cianjano is the name of the 'farm' owned by Action Zambia; this is where we stayed. The property is divided into different sections. One area consists of the guest house, the caretaker's home, a couple of other small guest quarters, a fire pit area, large tree and tire swing. Another area is filled with a football pitch (soccer field) that is open to the communities in Kasupe, the homes of two other workers and their families, a campground with toilets, chapel, cooking area and cabins that are awaiting bunk beds and space for two other complete campgrounds. There is also an orchard and a large area for the potential of actually farming in order to be financially self-sufficient.

Zambia does not currently have a camp or retreat center. Cianjano has the potential to fill a great need in the country - hosting conferences, retreats, kids camps and even allowing churches to use the facility and have their own time of refreshment.

The children in our church raised $1500 for bunk beds for Cianjano. We were thrilled to be able to bring that money and deliver it. The money that was raised with provide bunk beds for one cabin - so much more is needed.

Please add Cianjano to your prayer list.

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