Friday, September 17, 2010


As you know, the point of us going to Lusaka was to help start up a new AWANA program by training leaders and teaching at the AWANA conference. These photos are of us helping to train the leaders from Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Patricia is heading this endeavor up. She is Pastor Victor's wife and has a passion for seeing children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Frederick is a young man from a neighboring village. He coaches football - and he won while we were there.

Esther is a young lady who has a definite passion for the word of God - evident to us all as she was sharing with the group in English and then switched to her native language and was speaking louder and louder, faster and faster and with such fire.

Jen is a young lady who is a senior at the university in Lusaka - she is hoping to graduate in December. She led us in worship before each meeting and her desire is to serve the Lord and others closer to Him through music.

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