Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fredrick's sacrifice

Fredrick is a young man who lives is Kasupe, plays and coaches football (soccer), attends Redeemed Christian Church of God and has a heart for children. He was nominated to be the game director of the new AWANA club. One of the problems with starting an AWANA club in rural Africa is the fact that the game circle cannot be taped to the church floor - so how does one create the circle? Sand blows away - rocks are dangerous - lines drawn in the sand get covered up. Frederick gave his food. The mealie (ground maize) that 'sheemuh' is made from is heavier than sand and is a bright white color. Fredrick brought his bag of mealie and began drawing the lines by dumping his food. Think about that. He gave up his food so that a bunch of children could play some games, have fun and learn about Jesus. Fredrick's love for Christ is bigger than his love for himself. I was deeply humbled by his sacrifice. Using food is not a sustainable way to make the lines for game time but it worked great. Please thank God for Frederick's willingness to sacrifice and ask the Lord for resources so that a sustainable solution can be found.

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