Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leaving Mozambique

After meeting up with Mtinga in Mozambique, we crossed back into Malawi, crossed the road where the bus dropped us off and began walking with him to his home in Isaac Village.  And we walked.  And we walked.  And we walked.  And, you get the picture.  It was not what I would call a little walk.  But we walked on a fairly level, wide dirt path, it was a beautiful day and we had a few hours of great fellowship as we walked.  Anyone we passed on the path stopped and greeted us and the children along the way waved and smiled.  I was, however, on the lookout for snakes because just the day before Mtinga saw a black mamba on the path.  For those of you who do not know, the black mamba is a very large and very poisonous snake.  Thankfully, no snakes were spotted when we were walking.  Just in case your curiosity is getting the best of you I won't hold you in suspense any longer.  The walk to Isaac Village is about 13 miles.  But don't forget, once you walk in, you have to walk out... another 13 miles or so. 

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