Thursday, October 18, 2012

Village Tour

After the meal we were privileged to have Mtinga give us a tour of Isaac Village.  We met a village elder, lots of children and learned about village life.  We saw the animal pens and learned that a few days before we arrived the village lost its pigs to hyenas.  The village church is a sight we will never forget.  (see the picture above)  While churches in America are worried about being bigger and more updated, churches in rural Malawi are thankful to have a roof overhead.  Ok, sorry about that - back to the tour...Mtinga was also pleased to show us the one "toy" in the village - a teeter totter that he made.  He showed us the tree where he cut the branches from.  The teeter totter is made of a Y branch stuck in the ground with a long, straight branch balanced across the crook - and the children loved it!  What a great gift Mtinga gave the village.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your side note, some churches (wont name any names) have definatly lost their true focus in pursuit of worldly things...

    I love your pictures!

    When are you going to tell the donkey story?
