Saturday, October 13, 2012


     We were so blessed to have been able to spend time with Mtinga and Esimy.  They opened their home to us and shared what they had with us.  Mtinga told us all about life in Malawi and showed us his homework from a Bible school correspondence course he and his wife are doing with Action.  Esimy treated us to an incredible meal - and she wouldn't let us stop eating!  :)  The above photos show their home (the front door is closed all the way) and they were so excited because they were having windows made.  They are also privileged to have an 'indoor kitchen' - a place to heat the coals inside.  But still, the amount of time and work she put into serving us was immense - and she was smiling the whole time!  She really made us feel special.   
     After the walk, the conversation and the filling meal (and listening to the children whispering and giggling outside) we were eager to have Mtinga and Esimy show us more of their village....

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