Friday, March 26, 2010

The Passport Saga Continues...

Here is just a quick update on our passport situation. Jubilee and Jeremiah's applications were returned again. After talking to the lawyer and the passport agency and after sending in what we were told to send, they were returned - again. So, I am going to the courthouse to get certified copies of everything they have pertaining to the adoptions. Yes, I said everything. This will cost a ton but it will hopefully put an end to it. And we, hopefully, won't have to deal with all of this paperwork again. I'll let you know how it turns out....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meeting 3 - The Team

Monday night we met at Randy and Rose's home in Bellingham for our third meeting. This was the perfect place to meet as it was very comfortable and homey, there was plenty of room for us and the coffee was delicious.
This was a meeting that didn't even seem like one because it was awfully enjoyable. We spent the evening getting to know each other. We all took turns telling a little bit about ourselves, our cross-cultural experiences, what we are looking forward to about going to Zambia and also sharing some logistical questions and concerns that we had.
This will be the first cross-cultural experience for a few of our team members. Spread out amongst the other members, our team has served in Jamaica, Turkey, Chile, Haiti, and the United States on an isolated Indian reservation and in the mountains of Kentucky. Our team also consists of an active Awana leader, past leaders and a few who have gone through the Awana program. We all know the benefits of this program and are excited to see how God will work in the lives of Zambian children and their families through the program we will be helping to start.
Like any team, we all have different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, giftings and passions. Bus as the Bible tells us, a body needs all different parts in order to function and thrive. So, too, does our team. I am so looking forward to growing and serving together.
Also, Rob finally received a short video form Zambia showing the new church, the future pastor and some of the children we will be meeting. It was so exciting to see - it makes what we are doing seem so much more real - hopefully we will be able to share it with the rest of the team at the next meeting.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

knocked to our knees

This post is extremely hard to write. I was planning on sharing about how when we step out in faith to be an extreme follower of Christ we must prepare ourselves for satan's attacks. I was going to share how one of the toughest years of our lives was the year Rob was baptised and another one was when we committed to put down roots and stop moving around with every job promotion Rob got - when we stopped seeking material gain and truly put God first. Then I was planning on sharing how after taking on the challenge of leading this trip to Zambia in order to plant an AWANA program - this past week our computer crashed, our car broke down, a pipe under our home broke - requiring a new floor and tub, our daughter's college costs went up and the deposit monies we had set aside to put down on the plane tickets needed to be spent in order to make our ends meet. But that we believe God to be good and faithful. And, well, I was planning on encouraging you to press on during your set backs and know whatever the cost - following Jesus Christ is worth it all - and more!

However, yesterday we literally got knocked to our knees. Our cousin, Tracy Stout, passed away. She died one week before her 42nd birthday. It was a total shock - I think I am still in shock. She is gone. I just can't believe it. Gone. She was a woman made in the image of God - she was knit in her mother's womb by God Himself - she enjoyed working with disabled children - she was unique.

Her death brings to mind so many things - too many to type. But one thing that is flashing in my mind like a neon sign is how we truly are but a vapor in the wind. Here today and gone tomorrow. Life is so short and we do not know when our time on earth will be over. How important it is to make every moment count! Make every moment count!

And yet through all of this I will still encourage you to keep pressing on - for no matter how many times we get knocked to our knees, no matter the reason, no matter what - God is good! His mercies are new every morning!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In our weakness He is Strong!

In his book, After CT Studd, Norman Grubb wrote the following about his and his wife's struggle after their father had died:
"Our petty human thinking was occupied with the littleness, poverty, weakness of our condition. He said, Look at Joshua and see what I did for him, and Moses and Abraham and Daniel.
Do you think I have given you a great commission--to evangelize the world--and not great resources to do it with?
Does not all the Bible tell you that I have come to make people strong out of their weakness, if they will only believe?
Now will you believe?"

Meeting 2 - raising support

Most of us are apprehensive about asking other people for money in order that we me go and serve the Lord where He has called us. And many of us are apprehensive about giving support (prayer and money) so that others may go and serve the Lord abroad. But why? Wasn't Paul supported by churches through prayer and partially by gifts? Doesn't the Holy Spirit give some the gift of giving? Aren't we all called to a life of prayer? Isn't it the responsibility of ALL believers to participate in some way in spreading the gospel around the globe? These questions sure spark a lot of thought and interesting conversation.
Raising support was the topic of our second meeting. The need to humble ourselves and ask others to partner with us - the need to put prayer ahead of finances - the way to truly make a team with those who will partner - putting God's call above our own desires - the blessings that will come to all who go to Zambia this August, whether physically, prayerfully, financially.
We have been given a great opportunity to go to Zambia and work with a church in a village almost an hour outside of Lusaka, the capital city, to begin a program that will begin to teach the youth about Christ. However, before we can do this we need prayer warriors. Please consider joining our team by praying for us and this opportunity. Also, please pray and see if God would have you partner with us financially, as well. Thank you so much. We covet your prayers.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Got two!

We received four envelopes from the U.S. passport agency yesterday. Two of them were passports - Yahoo! - and two of them were notices saying more documentation is needed. I spent time on the phone with the lawyer we used for our re-adoption and then I called the agency directly. And guess what?! I spoke to a real person - right away! What a blessing that was! No computer to deal with and no waiting. The woman on the other end of the phone was very nice and helpful. We are all set to send more documentation in and we'll let you know how is goes. God has been using this experience to teach me the reality behind not worrying about what might happen tomorrow. He is with us every step of the way. I think that is something we could all learn.