Saturday, March 6, 2010

Meeting 2 - raising support

Most of us are apprehensive about asking other people for money in order that we me go and serve the Lord where He has called us. And many of us are apprehensive about giving support (prayer and money) so that others may go and serve the Lord abroad. But why? Wasn't Paul supported by churches through prayer and partially by gifts? Doesn't the Holy Spirit give some the gift of giving? Aren't we all called to a life of prayer? Isn't it the responsibility of ALL believers to participate in some way in spreading the gospel around the globe? These questions sure spark a lot of thought and interesting conversation.
Raising support was the topic of our second meeting. The need to humble ourselves and ask others to partner with us - the need to put prayer ahead of finances - the way to truly make a team with those who will partner - putting God's call above our own desires - the blessings that will come to all who go to Zambia this August, whether physically, prayerfully, financially.
We have been given a great opportunity to go to Zambia and work with a church in a village almost an hour outside of Lusaka, the capital city, to begin a program that will begin to teach the youth about Christ. However, before we can do this we need prayer warriors. Please consider joining our team by praying for us and this opportunity. Also, please pray and see if God would have you partner with us financially, as well. Thank you so much. We covet your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a "right way" to ask for money and commited prayer? I need help with this...I guess I have an issue with asking for things...also I fear rejection it feels pretty bad when people say "No, I will not commit to praying for you."
