Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meeting 3 - The Team

Monday night we met at Randy and Rose's home in Bellingham for our third meeting. This was the perfect place to meet as it was very comfortable and homey, there was plenty of room for us and the coffee was delicious.
This was a meeting that didn't even seem like one because it was awfully enjoyable. We spent the evening getting to know each other. We all took turns telling a little bit about ourselves, our cross-cultural experiences, what we are looking forward to about going to Zambia and also sharing some logistical questions and concerns that we had.
This will be the first cross-cultural experience for a few of our team members. Spread out amongst the other members, our team has served in Jamaica, Turkey, Chile, Haiti, and the United States on an isolated Indian reservation and in the mountains of Kentucky. Our team also consists of an active Awana leader, past leaders and a few who have gone through the Awana program. We all know the benefits of this program and are excited to see how God will work in the lives of Zambian children and their families through the program we will be helping to start.
Like any team, we all have different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, giftings and passions. Bus as the Bible tells us, a body needs all different parts in order to function and thrive. So, too, does our team. I am so looking forward to growing and serving together.
Also, Rob finally received a short video form Zambia showing the new church, the future pastor and some of the children we will be meeting. It was so exciting to see - it makes what we are doing seem so much more real - hopefully we will be able to share it with the rest of the team at the next meeting.

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