Tuesday, March 16, 2010

knocked to our knees

This post is extremely hard to write. I was planning on sharing about how when we step out in faith to be an extreme follower of Christ we must prepare ourselves for satan's attacks. I was going to share how one of the toughest years of our lives was the year Rob was baptised and another one was when we committed to put down roots and stop moving around with every job promotion Rob got - when we stopped seeking material gain and truly put God first. Then I was planning on sharing how after taking on the challenge of leading this trip to Zambia in order to plant an AWANA program - this past week our computer crashed, our car broke down, a pipe under our home broke - requiring a new floor and tub, our daughter's college costs went up and the deposit monies we had set aside to put down on the plane tickets needed to be spent in order to make our ends meet. But that we believe God to be good and faithful. And, well, I was planning on encouraging you to press on during your set backs and know whatever the cost - following Jesus Christ is worth it all - and more!

However, yesterday we literally got knocked to our knees. Our cousin, Tracy Stout, passed away. She died one week before her 42nd birthday. It was a total shock - I think I am still in shock. She is gone. I just can't believe it. Gone. She was a woman made in the image of God - she was knit in her mother's womb by God Himself - she enjoyed working with disabled children - she was unique.

Her death brings to mind so many things - too many to type. But one thing that is flashing in my mind like a neon sign is how we truly are but a vapor in the wind. Here today and gone tomorrow. Life is so short and we do not know when our time on earth will be over. How important it is to make every moment count! Make every moment count!

And yet through all of this I will still encourage you to keep pressing on - for no matter how many times we get knocked to our knees, no matter the reason, no matter what - God is good! His mercies are new every morning!

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