Sunday, December 19, 2010

A couple extra days

After saying good-bye to the rest of our team, we had the opportunity to stay in Lusaka, Zambia, a couple of extra days. We stayed downtown at the Baptist Mission House and had several adventures. We experienced first hand the whole run-across-the-super-busy-road-because-no-one-stops-at-crosswalks thing. And we did it more than once! We did actual grocery shopping, explored an area of town on our own and experienced Zambia taxi rides. After attending a Chinese church on Sunday morning we were able to spend Sunday afternoon as a family. We walked (and walked and walked) to the big Sunday craft market and did some shopping, had lunch out and were simply able to be together. It was absolutely wonderful! (except by the end of the day my feet were really hurting!) One of the vendors remembered Riley, had a long talk with him and gave him a gift. Hayley found a vendor she really liked and bought several carvings from her. And Rob and I enjoyed being able to relax and enjoy - and I got to eat some ice cream!
Back to the Chinese church - yes, there is a large Chinese population in Lusaka. We were surprised to learn that there are many Chinese investors investing in property, mines, hotels, and more. There is also a growing Indian population there.
We were invited to attend a new Chinese church plant that meets at the Baptist Mission House. It was a completely different experience than we had at the Zambian church led by Pastor Bruce. But worshipping God in any language is a wonderful thing!

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