Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today (December 16) is Riley's 16th birthday. Yikes! Where has the time gone? And what can I say? I could write about the way he never really put things in his mouth as a baby but he was always putting things on his head - soda boxes, plastic peanut butter containers, lunch sacks, etc.. Or how as a young tike (4 or 5 years old) he decked the biggest bully around (he was at least twice as big as Riley) because the bully was not being nice to Riley's friend. Or how he would bring a cardboard guitar he made to church, stand in the aisle and play and sing during worship time. How about the times he got stitches, broke his arm, spent the night in an oxygen tent in the hospital, or had cream cheese type stuff all over his head keeping testing wires in place. I could share how as a three year old he got a cut in Sunday School but told the teacher it was ok because his platelets would come and make a wall and his white blood cells would fight off anything that tried to get in and when I went to get him he ran over to show me how his platelets were working. I could tell you about his amazing gift of words - he is a brilliant writer. Riley has written numerous short stories, has a novel or two in progress and has a huge vocabulary - but not just that, God has given him the ability to put words together, to weave a story together making a beautiful tapestry of words. Ok, maybe beautiful isn't the right word as he has been known to add graphic descriptions to his stories - bones crunching and blood dripping. If I mention his writing I had better tell you he is also a great artist. He has been drawing for so long and he just seems to get better and better. Riley is a fast runner and an amazing soccer player - he played for nine years and has what is called 'true soccer sense.' And did you know he also makes a mean gluten free chocolate cake? What about his heart for others? Riley has always wanted to make people smile. He volunteers his time helping others, writes and performs in skits and lightens the mood wherever he is. I could write about all those things - and much more. But I am most proud of Riley because of who he is becoming - a man of God with Christlike character. We are all fighting against our sinful nature and we do stumble but the desire of Riley's heart is to honor God and be a true Christ follower. What else could I ask for? Nothing - because nothing else matters.
Happy Birthday, Riley! I am so thankful God has allowed me to be a part of your life - may you continue to grow in Him and may you continue to build your future on Christ alone. I love you, Bubba!
(And you can thank me later for not posting any really embarrassing photos!)

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