Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

As this year comes to an end and another one begins, I would like you all to meet Lucy. Lucy is a chicken with much personality. She brings us many smiles - something we could use a bit of these days. On Christmas morning we went out to find our beloved Plumpy, the matriarch of our flock - the oldest, the boss and the friendliest - had died at the hands, er, claws of a very large bird (probably a hawk or osprey or ...) We were devastated and Riley and I spent the first few hours of the morning digging her grave. How wonderful it was to be able to bring to mind our Christmas verse - Habakkuk 3:17-18 - no matter what loss we suffer we will rejoice in the Lord and we will joy in the God of our salvation. What a comfort God's word is! And, as we bring to mind all of our fun Plumpy memories, we realize that joy does come in the morning. What a joy Plumpy was - she was part of our family. And now Lucy has stepped up into the role of boss of the flock. But she, too, is friendly - eating out of our hands, allowing us to pet her and getting awfully close to coming inside when we are not fast enough with the front door! Just so you know: not all chickens are created equal - they all have their own personality.
As you say good-bye to 2010 and hello to 2011, may you show love to those you care about, be them human or chicken, while you have them in your lives. My mom had a poem on her fridge while I was growing up and although I do not remember it to quote it I do remember the jist of it. I would rather have one flower now than bouquets at my funeral - I would rather have a kind word said to me now rather than a lengthy tribute when I am gone - etc.. You get the idea. So here is me wishing you much joy and a ....
Happy New Year! Philippians 1: 9-11!

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