Sunday, November 7, 2010

Leaving the Lodge

After two days at the lodge it was time to get back to Lusaka. That doesn't sound too difficult, however, you must remember that in Zambia time is almost nonexistent. We were to be at the bus stop before noon and so we arrived a bit after 11:00. And three hours later we were still there - waiting. Fortunately our guide stayed with us. When a couple who had driven to the lodge was leaving our guide spoke to them and they graciously offered to give us a ride to Lusaka. Now, again, remember from past posts that we were a few hours out of the city - and we had no idea who this couple was - not to mention they drove a pick up truck and so three of our team members would have to ride in the back with produce and supplies. However, on the flip side, we had already been waiting for the bus for three hours and if/when it ever showed up there was no guarantee there would be enough empty seats for us. Then what would we do? We took the risk and rode in the truck.
And it was great! It turned out that the man driving was the Zambian Minister of Finance!! Rob asked him tons of questions and so he talked with us most of trip back to Lusaka. He shared his opinion on all kinds of topics. He stopped at a road side tomato stand along the way and bought a ton of tomatoes. He said he and his wife stop at the same stand whenever they are in the area and enjoy buying from the kids selling. Also, an added benefit was the fact that at the numerous police check points we were simply waved through. The trip back was much faster than the bus ride going - even though we had to stop for warthogs crossing the road and for storks and vultures eating in the middle of the lane. So although our plans were messed up and I was fearful of getting a ride with strangers - God had everything under control!!

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention that legally sitting in the back of a truck was totally awesome!
