Sunday, November 21, 2010


After lunch we said good-bye to Joseph and Patson and then spent the afternoon visiting two different orphanages. The first one we went to was run by the catholic church. The property had several buildings and one was set aside for orphan care. The children who lived there ranged in age from newborn (we actually saw newborn twin girls) to upper teen. And, yes, there were a lot of children in the small facility. We spent the most time with the babies/toddlers. There were only two caretakers there - not nearly enough for the number of children. As soon as we walked in the children wanted us to hold them and if we didn't - and when we put them down - they cried. And cried. And cried. It was heart wrenching! There isn't anyone to kiss these children goodnight or hold them when they are scared to read them a story or ......

The second orphanage we visited was called House of Moses. It is run by an American woman and was located in a large, private two story home. The woman also runs two others and the children are separated by age. House of Moses is home to babies upstairs and toddlers down. Immediately we noticed huge differences. The home was clean and the babies were not starved for attention. There were three caretakers for the ten babies and a few more for the toddlers. The children had clothes that fit and toys to play with. However, like the children at the other orphanage, they, too, have no one to love them. And they will soon be transferred to the next orphanage to make room for more babies.

We were only able to visit two of the many orphanages in Lusaka and the many, many, many throughout the country. Aids has ravaged the country and poverty is everywhere - and these are but two of the reasons for the ginormous number of orphaned children.

God's Word tells us to care for orphans - it is not an option - it is a call to every Christ Follower. Please pray for the children without families, for those working to care for them and for God to reveal to you how you can get involved.