Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sons of Thunder

The day after we got back from our 'team time' was probably the busiest day - as far as doing tons of different things. We were able to visit two different pastors who are in Steve's class, minister at the hospital, visit two different orphanages and in the middle of it all we were able to take the pastors out to lunch. Joseph and his brother Peter were nicknamed 'Sons of Thunder' and although Peter was out of town we had the great privilege of being able to meet Joseph and spend the day with him. And let's just say Joseph spoke with such power and conviction I can see where he got the nickname!
Joseph and Peter live in one of Lusaka's compounds -see photos above. The top photo shows a bit of their vision and burden for their community - a free school and a Christ focused church. The building is right next to the area dump and the creek that runs through the compound. Although not what we would consider a great location, just think about it for a minute. Everyone goes to the area! Washing, water gathering, dumping garbage, walking through the compound, no matter what someone is doing they are sure to pass by this new building. The plan is to use half for a free school for the children and the other half for a church - with the hope of adding on and expanding by making both the school and church larger. The property was completely overgrown and a total mess but with hard work and determination it is looking great!
We were also given the opportunity to join Joseph and Luke (from Action Zambia) in ministering in the hospital in Lusaka. We spent time in the pediatric ward and let me say our hearts ached for the people there. The hospital does not provide food for its patients, neither does it change sheets or do any other type of care except medical. So those moms who bring their babies in from all over the country have no way to feed themselves nor their babies - they can't run home; they have no money to buy things. We brought in boxes of fruit - bananas for the children and apples and oranges for the moms. We also split up into two groups and went around and prayed with every person there. It was incredible! At first I was completely intimidated but God got a hold of our hearts and the power in that room was evident.
Joseph prayed with such passion and to every woman there he asked if they were going to heaven. If they said yes, he did not stop there - he asked how they knew. And to those who responded because they sang in choir, went to church or could pray, he said no and then proceeded to share the gospel - and four women professed faith in Christ that day!! Just watching the incredible boldness and passion Joseph has for the Lord impacted all of us.
And the children in the hospital, they were so precious and yet so sick. One child, Comfort, was in need of a brain scan but her mom couldn't afford it so she just stayed in bed with no hope. Comfort looked like death, unmoving, flies walking on her eyes, barely breathing. Our group was able to pay for her scan - but how many others will never get help? Many of the children we prayed for were not expected to live and our tears flowed freely. One baby boy reminded us of our son. He was in intensive care and his older sister was there with him because his mother had just died. He was starving to death and his little body was hooked up to IVs and his sister was doing the best she could for him - but there was little hope. Our hearts ached for her.
Joseph was so happy to be able to witness to and pray for those in the hospital - those literally without hope. When we left the hospital we were emotionally drained but he does it every week! Please join us in praying for the 'Sons of Thunder,' Peter and Joseph - for strength, perseverance, a continued boldness and for showers of blessings for their school and church.

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