Monday, November 15, 2010


The day we prayed with the tiny, fragile babies and their mothers at the hospital was also the day we met Patson. He is truly putting Christ first in his life. Patson's story starts in neighboring Mozambique where he was born and grew up. He grew up there during a time of war and when Bibles were not allowed. His sister had one hidden in her suitcase and told him never to read it because it would get him into trouble. Well, he confessed that her proclamation just made him more intrigued so he snuck and read it - the whole thing. He fell in love with Jesus and the Word of God. As a teen he and his family escaped Mozambique and he has been in Zambia ever since.
Patson is now married, has five children, lives in a compound and is in Steve Allen's pastor training class. The humblingly remarkable thing is the way he lives. He is passionate about raising up children in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. His passion is evident to all who live in his compound because, you see, Patson has given up a huge portion of his lot and home in order to provide free education for the children. Patson and his family live in a very small one-room plus one bedroom home and he has built an addition onto it that includes three classrooms, a library and an office. His neighbors wonder why he doesn't use the space for a large home. But that is not all. On the lot that they live is an individual well, a rarity in the compound as there is a community well. However, Patson was excited to share with us that they are going to be closing up their well and putting in two toilets - one for girls and one for boys - for the children who come to school. Again he is giving up another Zambian luxury for the love of Christ and the children. When others ask him why he is living like he is he simply shares Jesus with them. What a testimony. Patson was so genuine, humble and joy-filled - he had a huge impact on all of us!
For lunch the day we met Joseph and Patson, we went to a strip mall type restaurant. The strip mall included a grocery store, music shop, book shop, internet cafe, a few restaurants, movie theater and more. The place we went had a bit of everything - pizza (yes, pizza in Africa), Indian food, burgers, wraps, ice cream, just a huge variety. We were able to sit and visit with Steve, Joseph, Patson and each other. And then we all stood in front of the fountain for a photo.

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