Thursday, November 18, 2010


Several times in past posts I have mentioned free schools but I don't think I ever shared their true importance. In Zambia public schooling is free - however, each child needs a uniform, shoes, books, transportation, supplies, etc.. So the free education is not really free. There are a lot of private and boarding schools, as well, but these are also not free. Most children who live in the compounds do not attend school, do not get an education, have no hope of breaking the poverty cycle. This is how the muslim community is getting a foothold in Zambia. They saw a need and are providing a solution. Several muslim schools are popping up in the compounds. If my photography skills would have been better or if we wouldn't have been in a moving vehicle you would be able to see that the photo above is of a free muslim high school - and it is free. In downtown Lusaka we saw a muslim temple/church/mosque/building that is being built - and it is huge and extravagant. This is why free schooling is so important in Zambia - not only for education but for Christ. Please pray for the Christian men who saw this need and are sacrificing much and doing all they can to provide Zambian children with a Christ-centered education.


  1. Patson and name the two we met personally.

  2. Actually, remember that although Peter is in charge of the school project he was out of town so we met his brother, Joseph. Joseph is the one we prayed with at the hospital, had lunch with and took the photo with.

  3. You learned how to post!!! It wasn't that hard was it?

    Yes, you're right. I should have worded that differently. They are the two that we know of personally.
