Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posing a Question

What is your view of world missions? Or, more specifically, what do you believe the role of the local church to be regarding missions? Do you have an overall philosophy? I am posing these questions and would encourage you to spend some time really mulling them over because the answers matter. We should know what we believe and why we believe it. I recently attended a meeting where different missions philosophies were shared. One idea is that the local church should focus on one area or people group and support only those missionaries and ministries working in the target area and short-term teams should only visit in said area, as well. Another idea is that the church should be open to supporting missionaries and ministries wherever God is working and short-term teams should be sent out world wide. A third view of missions sort of combines the two. It agrees with focusing a bit but the way of focusing is very different. This third idea is that the local church should focus on raising up followers of Christ and sending them out - wherever God is leading them. So, the focus is internal in training, connecting with, discipling and supporting missionaries from the local church, but then allowing them to serve wherever the Spirit leads them. Along these lines, short-term teams would go minister with/to those missionaries who have been sent out from the local church. And I am sure there are several more ideas on how the local church could participate in world missions. But the question is, what do you believe? How does the local church fit into global missions? How do you fit?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daylight Saving Time

Something totally shocking happened on March 13, when daylight saving time began. I did not turn our clocks ahead. Can you believe it? I sure couldn't! I don't think that has happened since I got married - and we will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary next month. But then I got to thinking. And guess what - my mom did not call on Saturday to remind me. Ah hah! She has called every daylight saving time (beginning and ending) since I moved out. But not this year. And so guess what that means? Even though I am well into adulthood, I still need my mommy! No matter where we are - Maple Falls, WA, or somewhere in southern Africa, my mom will always be needed.

The other thing I realized was the party we are planning to have on the day our last child moves out might be a tad premature - our children might need us a little bit longer. Nah, it's not premature - it's a milestone. So let the planning and celebrating continue!

And don't forget - daylight saving time ends November 6, 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Phi Theta Kappa

I am so excited to let you know that Hayley was recently inducted into Phi Theta Kappa - an international college honor society. She is doing such a great job with her studies and she so enjoys learning. Way to go, Hayley! We are so proud of you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Life in Shambles

Last Tuesday we were privileged to be able to attend the debut performance of My Life in Shambles, a rock group made up of several great sophomore guys. The band members include Jonah, Jake, Nick and Brayden - with Riley being the manager. For their first performance they played and sang a song by The Devil Wears Prada. Now, to be honest, I am not a huge fan of screamo music. Not even a little fan. In fact, I don't like it. However, these guys did a super great job! They played, sang and performed and got a huge round of applause at the end. I hear they are working on more songs - maybe even writing their own - and are hoping to perform again soon. If you see these guys be sure to encourage them - they are very talented and have great potential to glorify God and point people to Him with their music.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bear Tracks

Yes, we still have snow. And I must say it is a bit odd to bundle up in a coat, gloves, boots and a scarf, climb into our car with studded snow tires, slowly and carefully maneuver the icy road in front of our home and then get to town and not see one flake of snow anywhere. Although I am not a snow person (I don't enjoy being cold) I did have a lot of fun outside looking for animal tracks with Jubilee and Jem. And we sure found a lot! There were the typical deer, cat, chicken, skunk, bobcat and such but we also found..... bear tracks! Or, maybe I should say, we think they are bear tracks because we did not actually see the bear. But just take a look at them! We did not find these at the back of our property either - they were right up near our home!
We were told it snows in the mountains of Africa. I wonder what kind of tracks we would find there! Are there any mountains is Malawi? Maybe I should go look that up.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

End World Hunger

I am excited to share with you that I have, once again, been asked to speak at the community fundraiser to help end world hunger. The event will raise awareness about the issue as well as much needed monies for World Vision. The 30 Hour Famine is just what its name implies. Youth are encouraged to not eat for 30 hours - beginning on a Friday afternoon and ending Saturday night. And during this time they will spend time together learning, worshipping, serving and feeling hungry. This year the event is being headed up by Teddy Hovind and she is hard at work planning fundraising activities and community service projects. I was honored and humbled when she asked me to speak. And positively ecstatic. Ending world hunger is a cause close to my heart and I enjoy speaking about it every chance I get.

If you would like more information about the 30 Hour Famine or would like to make a donation to World Vision through this event you can email me at:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


What do you think of this cake? Messy? Sloppy? Well, I think it is beautiful! Absolutely breathtaking! The one thing Jubilee wanted for her birthday was a three layer cake. (A HUGE treat in our home!) She planned it and made it - top to bottom, start to finish. And she was so proud of herself. She beamed with sheer delight - first because we allowed it - second because she made it - third because it turned out 'perfectly.' I do not find this cake beautiful because the frosting is smooth and the layers are straight. They are not. It is beautiful because when I look at it I can still see Jubilee's smile and can hear her laughter. It is beautiful because it brought such happiness and excitement. And, regardless of how it looked, it tasted yummy!

May we find the beauty that is all around us - and not just in the things that are 'beautiful.'