Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bear Tracks

Yes, we still have snow. And I must say it is a bit odd to bundle up in a coat, gloves, boots and a scarf, climb into our car with studded snow tires, slowly and carefully maneuver the icy road in front of our home and then get to town and not see one flake of snow anywhere. Although I am not a snow person (I don't enjoy being cold) I did have a lot of fun outside looking for animal tracks with Jubilee and Jem. And we sure found a lot! There were the typical deer, cat, chicken, skunk, bobcat and such but we also found..... bear tracks! Or, maybe I should say, we think they are bear tracks because we did not actually see the bear. But just take a look at them! We did not find these at the back of our property either - they were right up near our home!
We were told it snows in the mountains of Africa. I wonder what kind of tracks we would find there! Are there any mountains is Malawi? Maybe I should go look that up.

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