Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posing a Question

What is your view of world missions? Or, more specifically, what do you believe the role of the local church to be regarding missions? Do you have an overall philosophy? I am posing these questions and would encourage you to spend some time really mulling them over because the answers matter. We should know what we believe and why we believe it. I recently attended a meeting where different missions philosophies were shared. One idea is that the local church should focus on one area or people group and support only those missionaries and ministries working in the target area and short-term teams should only visit in said area, as well. Another idea is that the church should be open to supporting missionaries and ministries wherever God is working and short-term teams should be sent out world wide. A third view of missions sort of combines the two. It agrees with focusing a bit but the way of focusing is very different. This third idea is that the local church should focus on raising up followers of Christ and sending them out - wherever God is leading them. So, the focus is internal in training, connecting with, discipling and supporting missionaries from the local church, but then allowing them to serve wherever the Spirit leads them. Along these lines, short-term teams would go minister with/to those missionaries who have been sent out from the local church. And I am sure there are several more ideas on how the local church could participate in world missions. But the question is, what do you believe? How does the local church fit into global missions? How do you fit?

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