Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Hayley Ann!!

Today, April 1st, is Hayley Ann's 18th birthday. I know, I can't believe how fast the time has gone, either. It seems like only yesterday she was pushing her little doll stroller around wherever she went - but mind you, it did not carry a doll. She pushed a book. Scuffy the Tugboat to be precise. Her love of books and learning started very young and it has been a joy to watch her read and grow and learn. Her passion for God's creation also began early in her life. By the age of three she had learned the actual scientific names for all the dinosaurs and whenever she was outside she would dig, uncover, watch and investigate all things alive - bugs, worms, flowers, etc.. To this day she is a passionate, outspoken advocate for animals everywhere - she has taken God's charge to care for His creation very seriously. As I think back, Hayley's favorite places to go as a young child are still her favorite places - the library, zoo and aquarium.

Hayley truly has a servant's heart. She enjoys helping others and does so much 'behind the scenes.' She is creative with crafts, fabulous with food and tells the truth. In fact, I still remember the time we were in Costco around Christmas when she was about six years old. The cashier asked her if she had been good because santa was coming soon. Hayley got a bewildered look on her face but for an instant and then she so innocently told the woman there was no such person as santa but that she did want to be good for Jesus. She then asked the woman if she knew Jesus and went right into telling her the gospel. She let her love for Jesus give her the courage to tell the truth (on many occasions!). She also told the truth about what the corporation Kleenex was doing and urged everyone to stop buying that brand.

We are proud of Hayley for her convictions, passions and quiet strength. And we are most proud of her for her true desire to serve and honor God in all she does. As she continues her education and pursues a degree in science, we are excited to see how God will use her for His glory and we are thankful her foundation is firm in Jesus Christ.

Happy Birthday, Hayley Ann! We are thankful you are our daughter - and our sister. You are unique and beautiful. We love you so much!!

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