Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Last Thursday, April 14, was our 20th wedding anniversary.

Although this is not what we thought our life would be like when we hit 20 years together- and although we didn't get to see each other 'til 8:30 pm - and although our wedding day was a disaster and I had hoped to renew our vows and take a trip for our 20th anniversary but we weren't able to do anything (except Saturday we had a picnic at the water in Anacortes - brrr..) - it is ok. All that matters is that Rob and I are together, we have been best friends for over 20 years and God has been with us every step. For these things I am thankful.

Over the past 20 years:

I have taught Rob that a trip to the zoo is not a twenty minute activity - it is an all day event. He has taught me about hockey - the 'Rocket,' the blue line and the Stanley cup. I showed him the joy that comes from raising chickens. He showed me the importance of persevering. I have been an example of hope and he has been an example of forgiveness. We have loved each other.

We have moved thirteen times - have been to Haiti three times and Zambia once - had a child held hostage - have been through serious health issues - home educated four children - walked around town looking for coins to roll in order to buy milk - have been through heartache and tragedy - raised sheep - had our share of disappointment - have been to the ocean umpteen times - have been happy beyond belief - have led small groups and taught Bible studies - have deepened our passion for global missions - have received abundant amounts of grace, mercy and blessings from God - have grown together in our knowledge of the scripture, love for Jesus Christ and a desire to serve Him whole heartedly.

I could go on and on - but what I really want to say is that I am the most blessed woman on earth. I get the privilege of being Rob's wife, of serving the Lord with him and of journeying though this life's adventure beside him. What a ride!!

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