Monday, April 18, 2011

Two Small Fish

All four gospels give account of the miracle Jesus performed on the mountainside near the town of Bethsaida. Although the writers have their own style, they all draw attention to the fact that with only two fish and five loaves of bread Jesus fed 5000 - with twelve full baskets left over. The testimony to the miracle found in John chapter six is the only one that makes mention of the boy. The boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish.

Let's think for a moment about his boy, this child in the midst of a huge crowd. He was probably hungry and could have very easily kept and eaten the food he had brought. Looking objectively at the situation, his fish and bread would not have even begun to impact the hunger felt by the ginormous crowd. But the boy wasn't looking at the situation - he was looking at the Saviour. He gave what little he had and God used it to do something great.

What simple, small thing do you have to offer? Give it to God and watch Him work wonders!

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