Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rob!

Today, April 13, is Rob's birthday. And I don't even know what to say. I am usually not at a loss for words but how can I possibly tell you how amazing he is? He has had to overcome so much in his life and he has faced everything with determination and perseverance. I am continually impressed by his professionalism and objectivity. Rob is the most loyal person I know and is an incredible example of honesty - telling the truth no matter what. He has a servant's heart - helping others out whenever/whatever/wherever. His love for Christ compels him. Rob has a desire to disciple others, to coach them in their walk with the Lord. He also enjoys coaching leaders - empowering them to lead like Christ. Rob is a student of the Word - he truly believes II Timothy 3:16-17 and he has a deep passion for global missions.

And hockey...Rob is a huge hockey fan - he plays, watches, reads about - you name it. Rumor has it he could skate before he could walk - and if you have ever had the pleasure of watching him skate you know the rumor just might be true!

There is so much more to tell - like how I don't think he has lost a game of Monopoly in at least twenty years - or how his laughter is contagious. I just can't find the words to express how truly remarkable he is. But I am better for knowing him - for being his wife.

Happy Birthday, Rob! I am so proud of you and I love you with all my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to add a comment here, as well.
    I love my Dad and, in my humble and biased oppinion, he is the greatest Dad in the world. My Dad has always had my back and defended my person and decisions against many outspoken people from our old church as well as people that are respected.
    My Dad works hard to support our large family. My Dad is also one of the smartest people I know. Although he does not know very much about science, he is willing to learn, (which speaks well of his character). He is the first person I go to with questions about God and his Word because my Dad knows more about the Word of God and God himself than anyone else I know.
    Though my Dad does not give out compliments very often, I know that he loves us. He shows his love to me by what I have already discribed. He defends me, works hard to help me go to school(among other things), teaches the Word and is willing to learn things (like anthropology) from me.
    Thank you Dad, for these things. Love you!
