Monday, April 25, 2011


Here are some tidbit facts about Botswana. They are current as of March 2011.

Life Expectancy: 58
Official Language: English - but only 2.1% speak English
HIV/AIDS infected: 24.8%
AIDS related deaths: 5,800 in 2009
Religion breakdown: 71.6% 'Christian,' 6% Badimo, 1.4% Other, 0.4% Unspecified, 20.6% None

Ok, read that again. You might be glad that over seventy percent call themselves Christian - but you must know that does not mean born-again-believer-Christ-follower. But look at those numbers again. Over 20% of the population of Botswana claims not to have any religious/spiritual belief. Yikes! Could it be because they have never heard the gospel? Could it be because no one has gone to tell them of Jesus? Could it be because we are not doing our part? How tragic! Please join me in praying for Botswana - and for people to go and bring the love of Christ to that nation.

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