Tuesday, March 8, 2011

End World Hunger

I am excited to share with you that I have, once again, been asked to speak at the community fundraiser to help end world hunger. The event will raise awareness about the issue as well as much needed monies for World Vision. The 30 Hour Famine is just what its name implies. Youth are encouraged to not eat for 30 hours - beginning on a Friday afternoon and ending Saturday night. And during this time they will spend time together learning, worshipping, serving and feeling hungry. This year the event is being headed up by Teddy Hovind and she is hard at work planning fundraising activities and community service projects. I was honored and humbled when she asked me to speak. And positively ecstatic. Ending world hunger is a cause close to my heart and I enjoy speaking about it every chance I get.

If you would like more information about the 30 Hour Famine or would like to make a donation to World Vision through this event you can email me at: RobnGoob@gmail.com

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