Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daylight Saving Time

Something totally shocking happened on March 13, when daylight saving time began. I did not turn our clocks ahead. Can you believe it? I sure couldn't! I don't think that has happened since I got married - and we will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary next month. But then I got to thinking. And guess what - my mom did not call on Saturday to remind me. Ah hah! She has called every daylight saving time (beginning and ending) since I moved out. But not this year. And so guess what that means? Even though I am well into adulthood, I still need my mommy! No matter where we are - Maple Falls, WA, or somewhere in southern Africa, my mom will always be needed.

The other thing I realized was the party we are planning to have on the day our last child moves out might be a tad premature - our children might need us a little bit longer. Nah, it's not premature - it's a milestone. So let the planning and celebrating continue!

And don't forget - daylight saving time ends November 6, 2011.

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