Thursday, April 28, 2011


He said her name - and she knew Him.

Mary Magdalene stood crying outside the empty tomb. When Jesus asked her why she was crying she thought He was the gardener. But then He said her name, "Mary," and she knew. She knew He was Jesus; she knew Jesus Christ was alive. He did not tell her who He was nor did He need to explain what had happened. He simply said her name and she knew. John 20:16

How about us? Would we know Him if our Saviour said our name? Is our relationship with Him so close that we would recognize Him by the whisper of one word? May it be so.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Here are some tidbit facts about Botswana. They are current as of March 2011.

Life Expectancy: 58
Official Language: English - but only 2.1% speak English
HIV/AIDS infected: 24.8%
AIDS related deaths: 5,800 in 2009
Religion breakdown: 71.6% 'Christian,' 6% Badimo, 1.4% Other, 0.4% Unspecified, 20.6% None

Ok, read that again. You might be glad that over seventy percent call themselves Christian - but you must know that does not mean born-again-believer-Christ-follower. But look at those numbers again. Over 20% of the population of Botswana claims not to have any religious/spiritual belief. Yikes! Could it be because they have never heard the gospel? Could it be because no one has gone to tell them of Jesus? Could it be because we are not doing our part? How tragic! Please join me in praying for Botswana - and for people to go and bring the love of Christ to that nation.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Last Thursday, April 14, was our 20th wedding anniversary.

Although this is not what we thought our life would be like when we hit 20 years together- and although we didn't get to see each other 'til 8:30 pm - and although our wedding day was a disaster and I had hoped to renew our vows and take a trip for our 20th anniversary but we weren't able to do anything (except Saturday we had a picnic at the water in Anacortes - brrr..) - it is ok. All that matters is that Rob and I are together, we have been best friends for over 20 years and God has been with us every step. For these things I am thankful.

Over the past 20 years:

I have taught Rob that a trip to the zoo is not a twenty minute activity - it is an all day event. He has taught me about hockey - the 'Rocket,' the blue line and the Stanley cup. I showed him the joy that comes from raising chickens. He showed me the importance of persevering. I have been an example of hope and he has been an example of forgiveness. We have loved each other.

We have moved thirteen times - have been to Haiti three times and Zambia once - had a child held hostage - have been through serious health issues - home educated four children - walked around town looking for coins to roll in order to buy milk - have been through heartache and tragedy - raised sheep - had our share of disappointment - have been to the ocean umpteen times - have been happy beyond belief - have led small groups and taught Bible studies - have deepened our passion for global missions - have received abundant amounts of grace, mercy and blessings from God - have grown together in our knowledge of the scripture, love for Jesus Christ and a desire to serve Him whole heartedly.

I could go on and on - but what I really want to say is that I am the most blessed woman on earth. I get the privilege of being Rob's wife, of serving the Lord with him and of journeying though this life's adventure beside him. What a ride!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Two Small Fish

All four gospels give account of the miracle Jesus performed on the mountainside near the town of Bethsaida. Although the writers have their own style, they all draw attention to the fact that with only two fish and five loaves of bread Jesus fed 5000 - with twelve full baskets left over. The testimony to the miracle found in John chapter six is the only one that makes mention of the boy. The boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish.

Let's think for a moment about his boy, this child in the midst of a huge crowd. He was probably hungry and could have very easily kept and eaten the food he had brought. Looking objectively at the situation, his fish and bread would not have even begun to impact the hunger felt by the ginormous crowd. But the boy wasn't looking at the situation - he was looking at the Saviour. He gave what little he had and God used it to do something great.

What simple, small thing do you have to offer? Give it to God and watch Him work wonders!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rob!

Today, April 13, is Rob's birthday. And I don't even know what to say. I am usually not at a loss for words but how can I possibly tell you how amazing he is? He has had to overcome so much in his life and he has faced everything with determination and perseverance. I am continually impressed by his professionalism and objectivity. Rob is the most loyal person I know and is an incredible example of honesty - telling the truth no matter what. He has a servant's heart - helping others out whenever/whatever/wherever. His love for Christ compels him. Rob has a desire to disciple others, to coach them in their walk with the Lord. He also enjoys coaching leaders - empowering them to lead like Christ. Rob is a student of the Word - he truly believes II Timothy 3:16-17 and he has a deep passion for global missions.

And hockey...Rob is a huge hockey fan - he plays, watches, reads about - you name it. Rumor has it he could skate before he could walk - and if you have ever had the pleasure of watching him skate you know the rumor just might be true!

There is so much more to tell - like how I don't think he has lost a game of Monopoly in at least twenty years - or how his laughter is contagious. I just can't find the words to express how truly remarkable he is. But I am better for knowing him - for being his wife.

Happy Birthday, Rob! I am so proud of you and I love you with all my heart.

Friday, April 8, 2011


God promised Abraham that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars. And when Isaac was born Abraham loved him. As Isaac grew Abraham's love deepened until, as A. W. Tozer writes, " last the relationship bordered upon the perilous. It was then that God stepped in to save both father and son from the consequences of an uncleansed love." For this was precisely the moment when God told Abraham to take Isaac, the son he loved, lay him down and offer him as a burnt offering. God did not explain how the offspring of Abraham could be too numerous to count if Isaac was to die nor did Abraham ask. He simply believed and obeyed. He was willing to do whatever God asked of him. "He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the alter, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son." Genesis 22:9b-10 God did spare Isaac's life and because of Abraham's obedience all nations on earth will be blessed through his offspring. Abraham was fully surrendered to God. A.W. Tozer puts it this way - "He had everything, but he possessed nothing. There is the spiritual secret. There is the sweet theology of the heart which can be learned only in the school of renunciation." God knew how much Abraham loved Isaac; He even made mention of this love when He told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Notice that God did not ask Abraham to lay down just any thing; God asked for that which was most dear to him. We can only imagine the pain Abraham must have felt at the thought of having to sacrifice Isaac - and yet much blessing came because of his willingness. According to A. W. Tozer - "If we would indeed know God in growing intimacy, we must go this way of renunciation. And if we are set upon the pursuit of God, He will sooner or later bring us to this test.... So we will be brought one by one to the testing place, and we may never know when we are there. At that testing place there will be no dozen possible choices for us - just one and an alternative - but our whole future will be conditioned by the choice we make." Now, what about us? We all have our own "Isaac." And there is great pain in letting it go. For some of us it, too, is our children. We forget that the precious ones we are raising are only on loan to us - they belong to God. For some of us Isaac represents our goals and dreams, the things in life we want to accomplish. We can get so focused and set on our wants that we forget our lives are not our own - we forget they were bought with a price and that God has a plan for us. Our Isaac can also be simply the status quo - we love the routine and we hold tight to the security of the norm. Whatever our Isaac, we must lay it down. God will not bless us - nor bless others through us - if that which is most dear to us is not Him. We need to open our hands and hearts and give whatever it is back to God. May we have the strength to let our children make mistakes, feel pain and follow the path God has for them. May we always be willing to listen to the Holy Spirit and change our goals when needed. May we let go of our security and routine in favor of a desire to light the world on fire with the love of Jesus Christ. May we lay our Isaac down.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Hayley Ann!!

Today, April 1st, is Hayley Ann's 18th birthday. I know, I can't believe how fast the time has gone, either. It seems like only yesterday she was pushing her little doll stroller around wherever she went - but mind you, it did not carry a doll. She pushed a book. Scuffy the Tugboat to be precise. Her love of books and learning started very young and it has been a joy to watch her read and grow and learn. Her passion for God's creation also began early in her life. By the age of three she had learned the actual scientific names for all the dinosaurs and whenever she was outside she would dig, uncover, watch and investigate all things alive - bugs, worms, flowers, etc.. To this day she is a passionate, outspoken advocate for animals everywhere - she has taken God's charge to care for His creation very seriously. As I think back, Hayley's favorite places to go as a young child are still her favorite places - the library, zoo and aquarium.

Hayley truly has a servant's heart. She enjoys helping others and does so much 'behind the scenes.' She is creative with crafts, fabulous with food and tells the truth. In fact, I still remember the time we were in Costco around Christmas when she was about six years old. The cashier asked her if she had been good because santa was coming soon. Hayley got a bewildered look on her face but for an instant and then she so innocently told the woman there was no such person as santa but that she did want to be good for Jesus. She then asked the woman if she knew Jesus and went right into telling her the gospel. She let her love for Jesus give her the courage to tell the truth (on many occasions!). She also told the truth about what the corporation Kleenex was doing and urged everyone to stop buying that brand.

We are proud of Hayley for her convictions, passions and quiet strength. And we are most proud of her for her true desire to serve and honor God in all she does. As she continues her education and pursues a degree in science, we are excited to see how God will use her for His glory and we are thankful her foundation is firm in Jesus Christ.

Happy Birthday, Hayley Ann! We are thankful you are our daughter - and our sister. You are unique and beautiful. We love you so much!!