Monday, May 30, 2011

Groucho Marx

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Isn't that a hoot and a half?? When Riley told me that Groucho Marx line I smiled - then chuckled - then laughed. And I realized I had not laughed for awhile. It has been hard to find humor in broken lawnmowers, rising grocery prices, college fees and housework. But it was about time I did. I mean, I have laughed at the silly antics of my children, while watching a funny movie and with my husband but this was a different kind of laughter - it was from deep within. And it just erupted.

Some of you have not laughed in awhile, either. Some of you are really struggling. Let me just encourage you to find the humor where you are and let the flood gates of laughter fly open. Your circumstances won't necessarily change but the laughter will lighten the load. And take it from me, we can all use a lighter load.

Happy laughing! - and thanks for the drawing, Riley.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Beki Rohan

Guess what? Beki's home is finished and she is ready to move in. How exciting! Beki is a missionary serving in Niger; she has been there for three and a half months. Be sure to check out her website - to see photos of her new home and to read about what she is doing.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It wasn't until several years ago that I taught myself how to knit. I bought a teach-yourself-how-to-knit-in-a-day book, a pair of size 8 needles, a skein of yarn and proceeded to make several oddly shaped dish cloths. But then it happened. I fell in love with yarn. The colors. The textures. The possibilities.

Now, I'm not talking about acrylic yarn - you can take that and bury it in a field. I love natural fibers - cotton, linen, wool, soy, angora, mohair, alpaca, camel, bamboo, hemp, banana silk, etc.. And up until recently I had a project-in-process with me at all times. I have made scarves, bags, shawls, hats, mittens, toys - lots and lots of toys - and more. I even had the privilege of teaching others how to knit.

If you are new to knitting you need to know knitting is a very personal art. Every inch of every skein of yarn is pulled through one's hands and delicately wrapped around a needle. The choices are deliberate - the type of yarn, color, weight, needle size, needle type, pattern - and the process is extremely intimate as stitch by stitch the project is created.

Knowing God knit each of us together is such an incredible truth. And it became even more incredible once I learned how to knit. I mean, think about it. He deliberately and purposefully chose every cell, color and texture of our being. Every strand of DNA was delicately pulled through His hands. Each piece of our being - physical, emotional, intellectual, and our likes, dislikes and abilities were personally picked and put in place, one stitch at a time, by the Master Artist. Amazing!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13&14

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Missing Africa

This week during his sermon our pastor said the word rubbish - and when I heard this word I was instantly transported back to Kasupe, Zambia. And I miss it. I miss the children, the dirt, the fellowship of the AWANA Zambia team, the vendors at the craft fair, and the presence of God that was felt as Jerry prayed. I had never before literally felt power in a prayer - and I miss being in his presence as he communes with our Lord. Awww, who would have thought that the word garbage or, more precisely, rubbish would mean so much to me??

Monday, May 16, 2011


A couple of signs like this one were recently set up along the road to our home. So, yes, I'm now convinced that the tracks we found in the snow (see past post) really were bear tracks. And to be honest, I am not sure how I feel about that. We are privileged to currently live on a beautiful piece of property and we share it with an abundant amout of wildlife. But bears? I mean, how cool is it to know that real live bears come to visit? And how scary is it to know that real live bears come to visit? Hmmm.....

Friday, May 13, 2011


Well, I did it. I finally took the time to declutter the container cupboard in our kitchen. (see past post) And not only does it look better, it is also way more functional - now I know where everything is and nothing falls out when we walk by. We also ended up with a whole box full of items to recycle or donate because I tend to be a saver. No, not a hoarder - that word gives off a negative vibe so I prefer the word saver. I save an item just in case we might need it one day. But I hadn't realized just how many empty juice containers I had accumulated. When I pulled everything out of the cupboard to sort, I found a lot of stuff I didn't need. I only put the items back if we used them frequently. And, wow, it sure felt good to get the clutter out of the cupboard!

The same is true with our hearts. Often times we will hold onto, or save, things that we don't need - and we allow those things to build up and crowd out the One that we love. We can hold on to negative feelings like bitterness or pain when what we need is to make room for forgiveness and hope. Or we can hold on to our own plans and desires when what we need is to clear those out and make room for submission to God's will.

My cupboard is so much more enjoyable to use now that I have emptied it of unnecessary items and prioritized the ones we use. So, too, our lives will be filled with much more joy when we let go of what we are saving and allow Christ to be our priority.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1 Chronicles 16

"Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.... Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and joy in His dwelling place. Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength, ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come before Him; worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness. Tremble before Him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!"" (1 Chronicles 16:8,9,23-31)

Our salvation is not to be tucked away in a quiet, little corner of our heart. As you read above, we are to give thanks, make Him known, sing praise, tell of His wonderful acts and declare His glory. Give, make, sing, tell and declare are all verbs - actions, things to do. And we are to do these things AMONG THE NATIONS. We are to be involved in world wide missions - to send out and to go. May we take this charge seriously for He is worthy!

May we truly - "Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all people."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
I was going to philosophically explore motherhood - the great impact it has, qualities of good mothers and the great lasting pain caused by those mothers who are selfish, mean and manipulative. But I changed my mind. Instead, I am choosing to use this post to publicly honor you.

You are a wonderful mom. You are, and always have been, a model of sacrificial love - you have given so much of yourself and your resources loving others. You are so filled with God's love that it overflows onto all those around you. His peace is evident in you - even in the midst of struggles.

I want to thank you for so many things. Thank you for Herman. Thank you for letting me play with Spiderman, Hot Wheels and hammers. Thank you for taking us on a cross-country adventure. Thank you for taking me thrifting - and for all of those books. Thank you for being home when I got home from school, practice or games. Thank you for scrimping in order to buy my cheer uniforms. Thank you for opening your home to my friends. Thank you for encouraging me to write my stories. Thank you for teaching me about Jesus, the importance (and fun) of frugal spending and that alfalfa is not just for sheep. And thank you, Mom, thank you for opening your heart and life to my husband. Thank you for welcoming Rob into our family. Your love and support of my family means so much - it is second only to the joy I feel knowing we will be praising God together for all eternity.

As always, there is so much more to say but I will end with this ---- I love you, Mom.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Radical Together

"The gospel is the reason for radical living."
Last week I bought David Platt's new book Radical Together. And like his first book (see past post from 7-17-10) it is a MUST READ! While Radical encouraged us to individually take back our faith, Radical Together challenges us to unite in churches and embrace radical obedience, together - to be whole communities of faith committed to the purpose of Christ. Mr. Platt asks the question, "How can we in the church best unleash the people of God in the Spirit of God with the Word of God for the glory of God in the world?"

In chapter one we read about the importance of putting everything on the table for evaluation. Everything. And looking at each thing through the lens of Christ's purpose because "one of the worst enemies of Christians can be good things in the church."

The next few chapters are filled with key factors in radical obedience. We are reminded that although we were not saved by work we were saved to work - and work we must. Mr. Platt not only emphasizes the importance of work but he also stresses the importance of the Word of God. "...we are never without revelation from God. At all times you and I have His message to us in all its power, authority, clarity and might." We are also encouraged to keep our focus on building people not programs or places. And we are once again reminded that the fact Christ has not returned means there is still work to be done - there are still people groups who have not heard the gospel.

There is urgency in the message found in Radical and Radical together. I highly encourage you to get a copy of these books, read them and pray that God would open your heart and lead you in a radical transformation. May we impact the world for God's glory!