Friday, May 13, 2011


Well, I did it. I finally took the time to declutter the container cupboard in our kitchen. (see past post) And not only does it look better, it is also way more functional - now I know where everything is and nothing falls out when we walk by. We also ended up with a whole box full of items to recycle or donate because I tend to be a saver. No, not a hoarder - that word gives off a negative vibe so I prefer the word saver. I save an item just in case we might need it one day. But I hadn't realized just how many empty juice containers I had accumulated. When I pulled everything out of the cupboard to sort, I found a lot of stuff I didn't need. I only put the items back if we used them frequently. And, wow, it sure felt good to get the clutter out of the cupboard!

The same is true with our hearts. Often times we will hold onto, or save, things that we don't need - and we allow those things to build up and crowd out the One that we love. We can hold on to negative feelings like bitterness or pain when what we need is to make room for forgiveness and hope. Or we can hold on to our own plans and desires when what we need is to clear those out and make room for submission to God's will.

My cupboard is so much more enjoyable to use now that I have emptied it of unnecessary items and prioritized the ones we use. So, too, our lives will be filled with much more joy when we let go of what we are saving and allow Christ to be our priority.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

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