Monday, May 2, 2011

Radical Together

"The gospel is the reason for radical living."
Last week I bought David Platt's new book Radical Together. And like his first book (see past post from 7-17-10) it is a MUST READ! While Radical encouraged us to individually take back our faith, Radical Together challenges us to unite in churches and embrace radical obedience, together - to be whole communities of faith committed to the purpose of Christ. Mr. Platt asks the question, "How can we in the church best unleash the people of God in the Spirit of God with the Word of God for the glory of God in the world?"

In chapter one we read about the importance of putting everything on the table for evaluation. Everything. And looking at each thing through the lens of Christ's purpose because "one of the worst enemies of Christians can be good things in the church."

The next few chapters are filled with key factors in radical obedience. We are reminded that although we were not saved by work we were saved to work - and work we must. Mr. Platt not only emphasizes the importance of work but he also stresses the importance of the Word of God. "...we are never without revelation from God. At all times you and I have His message to us in all its power, authority, clarity and might." We are also encouraged to keep our focus on building people not programs or places. And we are once again reminded that the fact Christ has not returned means there is still work to be done - there are still people groups who have not heard the gospel.

There is urgency in the message found in Radical and Radical together. I highly encourage you to get a copy of these books, read them and pray that God would open your heart and lead you in a radical transformation. May we impact the world for God's glory!

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