Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
I was going to philosophically explore motherhood - the great impact it has, qualities of good mothers and the great lasting pain caused by those mothers who are selfish, mean and manipulative. But I changed my mind. Instead, I am choosing to use this post to publicly honor you.

You are a wonderful mom. You are, and always have been, a model of sacrificial love - you have given so much of yourself and your resources loving others. You are so filled with God's love that it overflows onto all those around you. His peace is evident in you - even in the midst of struggles.

I want to thank you for so many things. Thank you for Herman. Thank you for letting me play with Spiderman, Hot Wheels and hammers. Thank you for taking us on a cross-country adventure. Thank you for taking me thrifting - and for all of those books. Thank you for being home when I got home from school, practice or games. Thank you for scrimping in order to buy my cheer uniforms. Thank you for opening your home to my friends. Thank you for encouraging me to write my stories. Thank you for teaching me about Jesus, the importance (and fun) of frugal spending and that alfalfa is not just for sheep. And thank you, Mom, thank you for opening your heart and life to my husband. Thank you for welcoming Rob into our family. Your love and support of my family means so much - it is second only to the joy I feel knowing we will be praising God together for all eternity.

As always, there is so much more to say but I will end with this ---- I love you, Mom.

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