Monday, May 30, 2011

Groucho Marx

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Isn't that a hoot and a half?? When Riley told me that Groucho Marx line I smiled - then chuckled - then laughed. And I realized I had not laughed for awhile. It has been hard to find humor in broken lawnmowers, rising grocery prices, college fees and housework. But it was about time I did. I mean, I have laughed at the silly antics of my children, while watching a funny movie and with my husband but this was a different kind of laughter - it was from deep within. And it just erupted.

Some of you have not laughed in awhile, either. Some of you are really struggling. Let me just encourage you to find the humor where you are and let the flood gates of laughter fly open. Your circumstances won't necessarily change but the laughter will lighten the load. And take it from me, we can all use a lighter load.

Happy laughing! - and thanks for the drawing, Riley.

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