Sunday, May 22, 2011


It wasn't until several years ago that I taught myself how to knit. I bought a teach-yourself-how-to-knit-in-a-day book, a pair of size 8 needles, a skein of yarn and proceeded to make several oddly shaped dish cloths. But then it happened. I fell in love with yarn. The colors. The textures. The possibilities.

Now, I'm not talking about acrylic yarn - you can take that and bury it in a field. I love natural fibers - cotton, linen, wool, soy, angora, mohair, alpaca, camel, bamboo, hemp, banana silk, etc.. And up until recently I had a project-in-process with me at all times. I have made scarves, bags, shawls, hats, mittens, toys - lots and lots of toys - and more. I even had the privilege of teaching others how to knit.

If you are new to knitting you need to know knitting is a very personal art. Every inch of every skein of yarn is pulled through one's hands and delicately wrapped around a needle. The choices are deliberate - the type of yarn, color, weight, needle size, needle type, pattern - and the process is extremely intimate as stitch by stitch the project is created.

Knowing God knit each of us together is such an incredible truth. And it became even more incredible once I learned how to knit. I mean, think about it. He deliberately and purposefully chose every cell, color and texture of our being. Every strand of DNA was delicately pulled through His hands. Each piece of our being - physical, emotional, intellectual, and our likes, dislikes and abilities were personally picked and put in place, one stitch at a time, by the Master Artist. Amazing!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13&14

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