Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baobob Tree

While in Zambia we saw some incredible trees - baobob trees. (Again, my spelling my be a bit off but....) Because there had been no rain for months, the trees didn't have any leaves. But the trees themselves, the bare trees, were truly pieces of art. They were like statues - designed and crafted by God Himself. Amazing! Each and every one caught my eye. And the remarkable thing is that when we arrived back home, Randy found an article about the trees in the most recent National Geographic. The article told how the fruit of the African baobob tree is extremely healthy - more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than citrus, and just full of vitamins and minerals. It also shared how a company is working at exporting the fruit and importing it into our neighborhood grocery stores - after first processing it and using it as an ingredient. So be sure to keep your ears open for news of baobob fruit - the next big thing. And know that it comes from a beautiful piece of art!

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