Wednesday, October 13, 2010


In a previous post -Seed Planters - I included a photo of Rosemary and me. Hayley asked me to add a bit more about her. Well, she is a hoot and a half and I just love her to pieces! Right after I finished my teaching she came up to me all excited and joyful. She took my hand, thanked me profusely and when it was time to eat she half dragged me into line and we talked and talked - and it was wonderful! She did want me to come back and change a few cultural things here in America. Rosemary spent several months in the states and she said it so frustrated her when she would go up to strangers on the street and they would look the other way, not return her niceties or worse. You see, in the Zambian culture people greet each other on the street, hold hands with each other and are seemingly more accepting. So, here you have it. Next time someone you don't know approaches you just smile and say hello - for Rosemary - an incredible woman in Zambia who welcomed me with open arms and who loves Jesus Christ with her whole heart. How was that, Hayley?

1 comment:

  1. That was great. I think people really need to know what Rosemary shared.
