Thursday, October 21, 2010

Team Time

It really wasn't until Tuesday of our second week that we were actually able to be together as a team to process, discuss and take a break. Because we 'hit the ground running' when we arrived in Lusaka we were all ready to have a bit of time to relax, connect with Africa and with each other. I was so glad we had met so many times prior to the trip in order to get to know each other - but actually being on the field is a whole different ball game. We took two days and spent time as a team at a lodge near Kafue National Park - a few hours west of Lusaka. We had no agenda and no work. The lodge prepared all of our meals - that in and of itself was a treat! The lodge looked out over the Kafue River so we spent time simply sipping sodas and soaking in the view. Our stay included two safari rides and so we went together on a night drive and a day drive. Some of us also played pictionary - and you must know - there actually is a difference between diary and dairy!!
This was time for our team to relax and get refreshed - because our busiest day was yet to come.

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