Monday, October 11, 2010

Church with Pastor Bruce

On one of the Sundays we were in Lusaka, Steve Allen took us to a compound and introduced us to a couple of the pastors who are in the class he is teaching. At the first church we stopped at we met an older gentleman (I so wish I could remember his name!) who is pastoring a church with his son. He was so happy we stopped by and he gave us a 'tour.' The thing he was most excited to show us was the new set of toilets they had just put in. After walking up steps there were two doors and then steps back down. The toilets were not flushing but the excitement that was displayed and the thanks given to God for them could not have been more if they were. Steve then took us further into the compound and we were able to attend Liberty Christian Church, pastored by Pastor Bruce. The church was small, dark and made out of cinder blocks but we truly met with Jesus that day! The Spirit was alive and in Lusaka! The worship in this church was free and lively, passionate and real. Pastor Bruce preached on Romans 12. He spoke in English and had an interpreter speak in the native language. The amazing thing is that the interpreter did not just translate - he actually spoke with the same passion that Pastor Bruce did! What an incredible experience! After church everyone, young and old, shook our hands and welcomed us and Pastor Bruce and his wife, Kristabell, invited us over to visit and have a soda. Now, you have to understand, their home is about the size of most dining rooms or master bedrooms here and the church brings in about $2 a week - sodas in Lusaka cost around $1.50 - and there were eight of us plus them and their son - so you do the math. What a generous gesture of love and friendship they gave us!!

On a side note - Pastor Bruce is scheduled to be in Bellingham in November - please pray for him as he travels, takes classes in the South, travels more, spends time in Bellingham, and travels home. Please pray safety, wisdom, refreshment and that he would be able to attend (or even preach at) our church.

The first photo above shows the team (except me) with Pastor Bruce, his family, Steve Allen and one of his daughters. The next one is Pastor Bruce and his interpreter - then worship time. The last photo was taken from the door of the church.

1 comment:

  1. Paster Bruce and Kristabell are amazing people! And the worship service at that church! I have never 'felt' worship before that! What an experiance!
