Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Seed Planters

Our team had the great privilege of teaching at the AWANA Zambia Seed Planters Conference. This was a week long conference where churches in Zambia were invited to each send two prospective leaders for the purpose of learning about AWANA - the whys and hows of this great ministry. (Forty churches ended up participating in this particular conference) Although we were only there the first day, those who attended to learn and teach all stayed the week at Chilo Trust boarding school. (I don't think I spelled the name right - but anyway...)

Randy started the conference off by leading the group in a morning devotion. (Our bus driver got a bit lost but everyone waited to start the conference until we arrived.) Dianna helped out with teaching game time activities. Remember, no one had ever even seen a game circle before. Rob taught on the leadership structure of AWANA in general and each club specifically. Hayley and Riley participated in worship, took notes and helped in any way needed. I took an hour session and taught on the importance of having a children's ministry. It wasn't until we were actually in Zambia learning about the culture that I understood the desperate need for this teaching. Remember in a past post I wrote about how children are treated? Even in the church children are overlooked and not thought of as important. They are generally pushed aside so that 'real ministry' can take place with adults. When we arrived at Chilo Trust I was overcome with nervousness - I so desired to be able to communicate clearly - and not say garbage when I should say rubbish. Jerry knew I was nervous and he encouraged me greatly. He prayed with me and God used him to speak to my soul. Although I am not sure if I said anything with lasting value (we never really know this, do we?) I had a great time!! I even made everyone laugh - too fun! And, most importantly, I was able to share the real need for those attending to go back to their churches and start a children's ministry.

While at the conference we were treated to a great meal of ... sheemuh! And we met some amazing people - all passionate about Jesus Christ. And to top it off, after the activities of the day were done we were invited to sit in with the AWANA Zambia leadership team as they went over the way the day went. We were included in their discussion and they encouraged us. It was fantastic!

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