Tuesday, October 19, 2010

UP theology

I believe that ordinary things can draw us closer to God and I believe that God communicates to us through a variety of ways. He uses His Word, people, nature, dreams, writings, etc.. And these beliefs were confirmed a few weeks ago when we had the privilege of spending time with people from across the country who have a passion for Jesus Christ. The individuals and couples we met were all beginning the process of becoming missionaries - some short-term and others long. And the conversations we had were amazing! (Not to mention the games we played!!)
One afternoon we were talking with a group about what it was that brought them to that point - the point to actually do something about their desire to serve the Lord in missions and not simply to think, pray, dream or find excuses. All the answers were interesting but Robert Oliver's answer was out of the box. He and his wife, Amber, are beginning the journey to serve on the field in South America. And what pushed them into the 'do something' stage? The movie UP. Yes, that is right, a Disney movie. Robert shared how in the movie the man and his wife had a dream, or a goal, and yet the wife died before they ever did anything about it - causing the man to became grumpy and regretful. Robert said that he and Amber needed to do something now - if one has a dream or goal or leading one needs to act upon it now - or what good is it? He does not want to end up old and grumpy with the weight of a house (the would have, could have, should haves) on his shoulders. So they decided to do something about it - now. It was then that Ray Hutchison coined the term ' UP theology.' Pretty right on, don't you think? So you see, God even uses animated movies for His glory.
Is there something God is leading you to do? May we be open to His will, see Him everywhere and use every moment to honor Him - now. And may we never have to pull a house around by balloons.

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