Sunday, October 3, 2010

Counsel Time

We all met up together in the camp chapel for counsel time. Esther and Jen led everyone in worship, Alex and Jerry covered announcements and prayer and I did the story. The thing is, I wasn't planning on doing the counsel time talk. I only found out I had been chosen to do it the night before. So, here I was in a different country, unable to fully communicate with the children and had an hour or so to prepare to impact their hearts for Christ. Yikes! But guess what? God filled me with peace and it was great! I used visual aids to explain 'garbage in/garbage out' and the importance of spending time in the Word of God. (If you don't know about 'garbage in/garbage out' just ask!) The only hitch was that in Zambia they don't have garbage.... they have rubbish.
This experience was great - and it is confirmation of something we heard two weeks after we returned from Africa when we had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with SIM missionary Bob Hay. Bob said, "We must ALWAYS be prepared to preach, pray and die." How true - how true. And how prepared are you???

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