Sunday, February 6, 2011


A few months ago we had the great privilege of meeting and spending time with some amazing people from around the country. A variety of ages and occupations were represented - young singles to grandparents - doctors, teachers, business owners, students, computer programmer, construction worker, youth pastor, media specialists and more - but the one thing everyone had in common was a deep rooted love for Jesus Christ and a passion for missions. God wants His gospel shared with all people everywhere and in order to accomplish this He amazingly wants to use us, the church. It was so fun to see how God had connected the hearts of those we met with places and people groups around the world - including but not limited to: Niger, Ecuador, India, Sudan, U.S., Ethiopia, Nepal.
It was also fun simply hanging out and playing catch phrase in the evenings. Just remember nitroglycerin and guffaw.
We really did meet an incredible group of people and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be included. (And we are thankful my parents watched our children so we could go!)
We serve a great God!

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