Wednesday, February 9, 2011

High School Musical

There is a member of our family who is a big fan of High School Musical. She likes the movies, tries the dances and sings the songs. (Ok, Hayley, to put your mind at ease I will tell them I am not writing about you - tee hee) And I must admit the songs are very catchy. We were listening to one of the soundtracks yesterday while in the kitchen making carrot muffins and a song called 'Fabulous' has been bouncing around my head ever since. The song is sung by Sharpe (is that spelling right?), the snobby rich girl character. She is stressing the fact that she only wants what is fabulous - fame and fortune - and that she wants more. I know, not an ideal theme - but like I said the songs are actually fun and catchy. Anyway, I have been thinking about this and I, too, want what is fabulous. But for me, fame and fortune are not what I consider fabulous. But I do want the best, the best God has for me. I want to live each day in the fabulous freedom I have in Christ. And I long for more. More of my Saviour - more of His peace and joy - more time communing with the God of the universe - more of His blessings - more of Him. Until I am in His presence, I will long for more.

How about you? Don't you,too, want what is fabulous? Then don't look to what is fleeting - look to the Father.

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